A FRESH NEW WEEK brings fresh new opportunity and when we open our eyes to see…we can create new learnings, resources and strength!
We love a new week here at The Tad James Company as it means we have a whole new platform to create from and move toward our goal of transforming the planet. What are you moving toward this week?! Do you like what you see? Would you like to see something different? Imagine what your week, month or year would look like when you know exactly how to create what you want!
Learn the tools for growth and success with us here at The Tad James Company by contacting one of our offices today (US 1-888-440-4823 / AU 1-800-133-433). One of our fantastic team members is excited to meet you and let you know how you can make that happen today!
Adriana James Moving America Forward – A fantastic leap forward for the Industry and The Tad James Company. Have a look at this interview with Dr. Adriana James on the television show Moving America Forward – the ripples of positive change continue to expand as we empower and inspire more and more individuals to transform the planet.
What To Think When You Don’t Know What To Think – Thinking about thinking…what a great thing! Have you ever wanted to ask a really great question or know more about a certain topic although you have been stumped as to what to ask? What is really going on there?! Read this week’s second article by Dr. Adriana James and discover what may be behind it for you.
Introduction written by Fini Todd @ Sydney Office.
Your New Articles, Hints & Tips
Adriana James Moving America Forward
by Dr. Adriana James
An interview with Dr. Adriana James on the television show Moving America Forward – the ripples of positive change continue to expand as we empower and inspire more and more individuals to transform the planet.
What To Think When You Don’t Know What To Think
By Dr. Adriana James
In the last VidChat one of our participants asked a question along the lines of “how can I ask a question where I can’t think of what to ask”?
Oh and just in case you did not catch that, this person is actually thinking about thinking (or not thinking) which in and of itself deserves a big round of applause!
However, this question prompted me to do a mind read and a generalization (which are both NLP linguistic category under both the Meta Model and the Milton Model – you can see here what these NLP terms mean) and ask myself what prevents one from thinking, and then further, what prevents them thinking outside of a box – which process can be itself defined as non-thinking…(Read More)
![]() | Using NLP In Business CD Set Using NLP In Business – this is a recording of a 1-day seminar conducted by Dr. Tad James in Los Angeles. This is an excellent introduction on how to utilize NLP in business for business people. The specific techniques for application of NLP in a business context. |
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Schedule of Training 2018 (USA & Australia)
USA (Henderson, NV)
FasTrak™ NLP Practitioner Training
APRIL 20 – 26 (FL) | JUNE 25 – JULY 1 (NV)
NLP Master Practitioner Training
JULY 6 – 21 (NV)
Secret of Creating Your Future® Seminar
APRIL 7 & 8 (Brisbane) | MAY 5 & 6 (Sydney)
3-Day Modern Hypnosis Certification
JUNE 15 – 17 (Adelaide) | JULY 13 – 15 (Sydney) |
JULY 27 – 29 (Brisbane) | AUGUST 10 – 12 (Melbourne)
FasTrak™ NLP Practitioner Training
APRIL 10 – 16 (Brisbane) | MAY 9 – 15 (Sydney)
AUGUST 16 – 22 (Melbourne) | NOVEMBER 21 – 27 (Perth – We are BACK!!)
NLP Master Practitioner Training
MAY 19 – JUNE 3 (Sydney)