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Sydney’s Secret of Creating Your Future® is upon us this weekend! Transform your life on the 23rd & 24th of September. Last minute seats are still available!

This also means that we are literally days out from the NLP Practitioner Training (23rd – 29th September) in Las Vegas! We will then be welcoming Dr. Adriana James and Dr. Tad James to Sydney for the NLP Trainer’s Training (4th – 21st October) closely followed by the Hypnotherapy Trainer’s Training (23rd – 27th October). To follow, we then have the NLP Practitioner Training in Adelaide (21st – 27th November). A fantastic series of Training’s to excel yourself and your life! What does your next level look like and what are you doing to achieve it?

Take action now and call one of the offices on (US 1-888-440-4823 / AU 1-800-133-433). We are excited to have you as part of the Tad James Co. community and to join us in Transforming The Planet!!

NLP and Critical Thinking (Revisited) – This week’s first article is written by Dr. Tad James and asks some very important questions. And it is a good thing to question…everything. Get some of your questions answered here about Critical Thinking and how NLP can broaden your thinking and your ability to create by finding truth and taking back the control of your mind.

How NLP & Time Line Therapy® Saved My Marriage – Part 2 – This is part 2 of the article series by Shalee Schafeitel, one of our amazing US Trainers, where she further discusses 2 keys to a successful relationship. These 2 keys really up the ante on how they can transform and save your marriage or relationship. Discover how to achieve the most fulfilling relationship where you are truly aligned with your mate.

Introduction written by Fini Todd @ Sydney Office.

Your New Articles, Hints & Tips

NLP and Critical Thinking (Revisited)

by Dr. Tad James

We are always asked the question what is critical thinking?
In general, critical thinking is about looking at the world in a new way.
A way where we don’t just accept dogmatically, blindly and without questioning what we are told. We don’t just accept what we are told, but we question everything. We mean everything.
Is that a good idea to question everything? Doesn’t it take longer and make us look bad?
(Read More)

How NLP & Time Line Therapy® Saved My Marriage – Part 2

by Shalee Schafeitel

In Part 1 of this article, we discussed 2 keys to a successful relationship using NLP & Time Line Therapy®. Specifically the 2 keys we talked about were using Rep System Predicates when communicating to your partner, spouse or mate to gain & maintain rapport and for ease of communication. The second important factor we talked about is speaking either big picture or more detailed based on your significant others Chunk Size Filter Meta Program...(Read More)


Time Line Therapy® Master Practitioner DVD Set

A recording of a live training, now the latest description and demonstration of the advanced techniques from Master Time Line Therapy® Training. Master Trainers Dr. Tad James & Dr. Adriana James take you on an exciting tour of the most powerful techniques at the Master level of the Time Line Therapy® training.

Shop Volume 1


VALUES And the Evolution of Consciousness

Would you like to truly understand at deeper level how values drive our behaviour and world? We live in a world ridden with conflict. Everyone knows about it and only a select few have any motivation to do anything about it. Have you purchased your copy of Dr. Adriana’s new book, “Values And the Evolution of Consciousness“? It’s available on Amazon NOW!

Thank you for your support and please continue to join us on our mission to Transform The Planet by leaving a book review on Amazon and inspire others to learn these insightful resources to implement in life.


Schedule of Training 2017 (USA & Australia)

USA (Las Vegas)

FasTrak™ NLP Practitioner Training

SEPTEMBER 23 – 29 | DECEMBER 1 – 7


The Secret of Creating Your Future® Seminar

SEPTEMBER 23 & 24 (Sydney)

3-Day Modern Hypnosis Certification

NOVEMBER 17 – 19 (Adelaide)

FasTrak™ NLP Practitioner Training

OCTOBER 30 – NOVEMBER 5 (Sydney) | NOVEMBER 21 – 27 (Adelaide)