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5 Ways Your Mind Is Secretly Controlled -Part 1

Why is it that some people want to learn more, want to check out new ways of improving themselves and the life in their families and community around them and others don’t? This is a question that fascinated me for a long time.

One of the conclusions I reached was based on the difference between different values levels thinking. As we know from the NLP Master Practitioner people think differently according to their values – which can be organized in 7 or 8 different levels all different in terms of complexity. For a complete description of the different values levels and thus different ways of thinking see the book “Time Line Therapy® and The Basis of Personality” by Tad James.

So, that’s fine. But I also noticed that sometimes people don’t want to hear anything that conflicts their personal beliefs. The cognitive dissonance between what they think they know and some other piece of information is just too great.

Several years ago the movie “The Secret” made waves by spreading the Law of Attraction as a means of achieving everything you want. Oh, if it were only that simple. There is something essential missing from that description and this is the HOW to do it. But, what is referred to as the “Law of Attraction” works.

In our trainings we imply this in the concept we call Perception is Projection. It works this way: your life is determined by your thinking. If you think your life is miserable or great, you are right. If you think you are a capable self-motivating individual or a nothing part of a great sea of people on the planet you are right. You see, you are right no matter what you think. Life is exactly how you think it is.

The same is true for the state of the world. Humanity as a whole is a representation of the collective thinking of all the people on this planet. It is almost like what we think creates our future. Our thoughts are operating like energy “magnets”. They attract whatever we point them at. Different frequencies attract different experiences of reality. Like your radio in the car. Change the frequency, you change the station.

But you can say, why don’t we do some Time Line Therapy®, and let go of our old beliefs about ourselves and the world and in this way change the future. Actually this is exactly how it works only that there are some other little impediments in the process.

1. First…

If you sit on your bum and expect somebody to come and save you from your circumstances, to help you out, to rescue you, this is what you create in your life. Waiting. And more waiting. Not to speak of your personal contribution to the benefit of all humanity. Do you realize that you are a part of the consciousness of this planet and your thoughts have an influence?

Any thought you have, starts from you and returns to you like a boomerang. It gives you back the “reality” you think – whatever you focus on. One of the main issues in our NLP Trainings is the issue of focus. What are you focusing on? But then it should be easy – all you have to do is think of what you want and you have it right? The Law of Attraction again. But….

2. Next…

The hard part is becoming ‘doubt-free’. You can think of what you want provided you know what that is (which for some people is not a given) but you cannot shake out the uncertainties and fears. The worries. The doubts. This is when you need to do Time Line Therapy®. If unconsciously you carry with you a lot of these doubts, you will “broadcast” them into the future together with your doubts. And not only into your future but the future of all humankind. In a way we are all individually responsible for our contribution to mass consciousness on this planet.

One of the problems we encounter with some of our students in the NLP Coaching trainings is the unwillingness to take responsibility for their experience of life. They are stuck in “they did it to me” pattern of thoughts. They are at the effect of everything and everybody else. You know professional victims. We all have met them. They will do anything to prove they are victims of their families, bad or broken relationships, economy, situation, what have you! They are living life at the effect of their environment. This is not taking responsibility. This is not contributing positively to the world. This is whining and shifting blame.

There is more to say, but this has to wait until part two of this article.

Until then, be well